So – Rickey Gervais?



I’ve only ever caught bits and pieces of Rickey Gervais, and I didn’t watch The Office, as far as I recall the only film of his I’ve seen was The Invention of Lying, which I enjoyed and found intriguing, but now after literally binge watching his monologue at the Golden Globes (which I’ve also never watched) am going to watch it again – have a funny feeling I might’ve missed a more subtle message.

Anyhoo – I can honestly say it has been a long long time since any comedian/film/actor has made me laugh out loud so hard it actually hurt – (except Bill Burr)

A lot of people are referring to what Rickey Gervais did as a “Roast” wasn’t really sure what that was – (looked it up) ah right – got it – an American version of taking the piss, of what we in Ireland call “slagging”

But this was much much more than a roast or a slagging or taking the piss this was lancing a boil, a festering pus-filled boil on the face of culture and society, and letting all that foul pestilent build up of toxic crap out.

This was a blood-letting, of epic proportions – Rickey Gervais stood on that stage and with his rapier sharp tongue and mind slashed open the cosmetically enhanced, fake skin and camouflaged “star” membrane and exposed the toxic pus underneath.

For me, the first time I watched it, literally pissed myself laughing (Tom Hanks face!)

It’s not until you watch it a couple of times that you really get the absolute genius of what Rickey Gervais did in a little over 8 minutes  – don’t know who said this (will look it up in a while*) that politics is downstream of culture – and these vacuous, self-important narcissistic “movers and shakers” these “stars”! have assumed control of the cultural societal and political narrative, have presumed to dictate, direct and shape cultural mores and – using the word very very loosely standards (both personal and moral) for the rest of us!

This was most definitely a “The Emperor has no Clothes” moment – because like the millions (yes millions) of people who have commented on the various YouTube thingys – I am sick to death of this crap.

Am sick to death of lefty SJW’s smelly up their own arse wannabe hippies, feminazis, my gender is fluid, brain dead nutjobs screeching their “truth” into everyone’s faces, demanding apologies for being “offended” about………..whatever the fuck they are “offended” by.

Sick of it.

My absolute favourite quote has to be this one:

“just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right”

Rickey Gervais

For me personally – I’ve more or less stopped posting to this blog, still keep an eye on various blogs and sites – shout out to A Lady of Reason at  and The Other McCain, at and The Conservative Woman, at

Too lazy to do the link thing.

By the way check out this guy: Bjorn Andreas Bull Hansen

– I just got tired of it – the deluge of crap, the incessant SJW crap, the feminazi crap, was never ending here’s an example of what some twat posted here.

“Sun, Dec 29, 2019, 1:24 AM

“Tina commented on Does Jackie Jones Have Tourettes? Part 1

“Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and …

You sound very bitter.Harsh. I pray for every female who may happen to cross paths with you,my enraged friend.”

Obviously, I didn’t approve it – though the email address is a male name (no, not going to publish your email address – idiot)

Looked at it and thought “oh fuck off” (I usually delete this shit hmmmm)

One of the barbs that Rickey threw in their faces struck home with me personally – he said, and I’m paraphrasing a little “…. collect your little award, thank your agent, thank your God and f**k off……”

Yep – it’s a little award for getting paid millions of dollars for pretending to be, for example, a homeless person – in fact the money you got for pretending to be a homeless person could’ve funded at least three homeless shelters for a year!

The most sickening, foul and disgusting thing (and I could only watch it in bits and pieces, and in short 30 second bursts) was that blonde brain dead bimbo who apparently aborted her baby so she could stand up there collect her “little” award which according to her spewing’s is an emblem of the entire worlds approval of her disgusting narcissistic useless life – oh excuse me – her BEST life.

*Andrew Breibart is credited with the quote “Politics is downstream of culture.

I now find myself re-energised, having watched Rickey Gervais’s monologue many times and more importantly (for me) read the thousands of comments that could be encapsulated in two words ABOUT TIME – and also watched “Reaction Videos” where those who were watching had more or less the same reaction as me. I see light at the end of this toxic tunnel we have all been herded into, that these shrieking insane SWJ nutjobs have bullied the world into – again totally encapsulated by that look on Tom Hanks face!

Classic “how very dare you!” it actually saddened me – Tom Hanks reaction (or to be fair, what I perceived his reaction to be) because some of my favourite films are Tom Hanks films, The Green Mile and Saving Private Ryan – not into the Rom Com stuff – I find it boring. Loved Perdition as well.

So, its time – its time to tell these arseholes – all of them – hollyweirdos, SJW’s, feminazis, lefties, wannabe hippies, idiots who claim to be gender No. 23, time to tell all of them – PISS OFF!




Oh – and “Tina” if you’re offended by this……………………………………GOOD!

Can You?

This poem resonates, it captures the pain, the sorrow that men carry within but struggle to hide, and when that struggle becomes an overwhelming burden they lash out in anger. But it is an anger fed by betrayal, by hurt, by sorrow.